Tag Archives: humor
Hidden Mickeys
When you’ve visited Disney World or Disneyland have you ever hunted for “hidden Mickeys?” For those of you who have not enjoyed either of these vacation destinations, or for the uninitiated Disney fan, let me explain this Disney … Continue reading
I Was Thinking
“I was thinking about my mother the other day,” Lori said. Rick looked up, rattled his newspaper and stared at her. “Yes,” he intoned. “Well, you know that it’s getting harder and harder for her to get up … Continue reading
Household Helpers
Do you have drawers full of kitchen tools? If you’re like me, you do—even though the most complicated thing you cook is an omelet. I like to browse in … Continue reading
The Coffee House
The Sol Writers, the women’s writing group I belong to, had its annual Coffee House this past weekend. This is an event that I look forward to each year—an opportunity to present my writing to members of the community I live … Continue reading
My Ideal Place
My ideal place is without strife and discord. A place where everyone gets along. And everyone loves me and understands me and I never make a mistake and I’m never venal or angry or tired or sick. And I’m … Continue reading
Florida Snow
Yep, it’s cold out there. Even here in Florida tonight’s low will probably be in the 20’s. Tomorrow will be a less than balmy 55 degrees, if we’re lucky. Please don’t feel sorry for me—oh, you don’t? (Hey, are … Continue reading
Empty or Full?
That is the question…whether to unload the dishwasher…or to use the clean dishes as needed from the machine. What is it about unloading a dishwasher that strikes terror into the hearts of even the most fastidious of housekeepers? Is it … Continue reading
Hopes and Dreams
It’s been almost a year since my novel, Loving Christy was published. I worked night and day to make it a wonderfully readable novel—one that I hoped would fly off the shelves, and would be downloaded onto hundreds of … Continue reading
I’m Back!
As regular readers of this blog know, it’s been several weeks since I’ve posted anything new. I haven’t given up on the blog—it’s just that typing with the “hunt and peck method” using one hand is tiring. Why am I … Continue reading
Becoming Uncool
Recently, I saw an article about the new words that have been added to the Dictionary. Among the terms was “dad dancing,” which is defined by Wicktionary as “The making of embarrassing flamboyant dance moves to pop music by middle-aged men.” H-m-m, I thought. Middle aged men—that means … Continue reading